Lot 69

Price Realized:  $1,900
View:  Main (LargeView 2 (Large)
Lot: 69  Description: TONOPAH & TIDEWATER RR - Baldwin Locomotive Works Burnham Williams & Co plate No. 14418 built September 1895. Off of a 4-6-0 engine No. 1. Formerly AT&SF No. 260. Round brass plate measures 11 3/4" diameter and still holds boiler mount curve. Plate is in original untouched condition. The engine was scrapped in January 1941 in Death Valley Junction. This rare and amazing offering is without a doubt another star of this sale. From the Shankweiler collection a chance to add a rare Nevada railroad plate to your collection.
Minimum bid: $1,000
Price Realized:  $1,900

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